It's Time for Better Care.



For millions of people with treatment resistant depression, and related conditions, common treatment plans aren't enough. If you've been living with major depression, persistent, overwhelming anxiety, or struggling with the affects of trauma and PTSD - it's time to connect with care that truly heals.

find a SpravatoTM  or ketamine program near you

Gain access to fast, safe, effective, and affordable interventional psychiatry treatments including SpravatoTM and Ketamine under clinical supervision. These medications are proven to quickly turn down the noise of depression and anxiety.

And, you'll heal in community with help from your therapy team. Along with your Therapod you'll take on new thoughts and behaviors that change your life. Take the first step.

programs coming soon

access the people and treatments that help you heal

connected care for depression, anxiety, and PTSD | virtually and in person


Connect with a licensed therapist to improve mood, process emotions, develop skills, and walk a path towards healing. These are telehealth appointments with in-person appointments coming soon.

Those who qualify for SpravatoTM or Ketamine treatment will also have access to a therapist who specializes in Ketamine-Assisted-Therapy, and integration post treatment.

medication & interventional treatments

Our psychiatry providers examine all aspects of health before simply writing another prescription. Treatment plans address a combination of care, the right prescription for each patient, and offers access to interventional options like SpravatoTM and Ketamine Programs coming soon to our clinics.

holistic support and connection

Beyond treatment our care helps you make the most of your healing journey.  

Holistic support includes group counseling services, psychoeducation for caregivers and family, and guidance to improve nutrition, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle habits to reduce overall psychological stress.